Rising 9th Grade Student Information
Students will have a total of 8 classes each semester
4 Classes will be on A Days and the other 4 will be on B Days
A Days and B Days alternate throughout the whole school year
Most classes will be yearlong (both fall and spring semesters)
Some classes will be 1 semester long classes (Aug-Dec or Jan-May)
Some classes are required while for others students/parent will can make a selection from a menu of classes
Freshman schedules will include the following classes:
9th Lit/Comp*
American Gov* (1 sem) and US/World Affairs* (1 sem)
World Language*
Health* (1 sem) and Personal Fitness* (1 sem)
Pathway Class
*Indicate Required Classes
9th Grade Year Schedules & Course Offerings
Academic Course Placement:
Student placement in core academic subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language) will be determined using student grades and designated standardized test scores from their 8th grade year.
Grades from Fall semester will be used to determined placement during the February-March registration period.
Course placements are subject to change once spring final grades and Milestone test scores are finalized and released.
All 9th grade academic placement guidelines can be reviewed and downloaded below:
Career Pathway Offerings:
Audio/Visual Tech & Film 1
Intro to Business & Technology
Intro to Graphic Design
Journalism 1
JROTC-Army 1
Intro to Digital Technology
Fine Arts Pathway Offerings:
Dance (pre-req)
Theater Arts Fundamentals
Visual Arts 1
World Language Offerings:
Spanish for Native Speakers
Elective Offerings:
Students may choose an additional pathway class (Yearlong)
AP Human Geography (Yearlong)
Class of 2026 9th Grade Course Selection Classroom Presentation
Career Tech Pathway Preview Video
Fine Arts Pathway Preview Video
Rising 9th Grade Pathway & Elective Course Descriptions: CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Catalog of all courses and descriptions are available in the NAHS Academic Planner
Going North (2/11/22) Zoom Recording

9th Grade Course Offerings &
Placement Guidelines
Rising 9th Grade Parent Resources
Course Selection Process for Sutton MS 8th Graders
9th Grader Registration for the 2022-23 School Year
Requirements for Sutton MS Students Enrolling at North Atlanta for 2022-23 School Year
APS requires all existing APS students who are entering the 9th grade in eh upcoming school year to complete a re-registration.
Beginning with the 2021-22SY: Rising 6th grade students, rising 9th grade students and conditionally enrolled students are ineligible to participate in any Athletics program until all registration requirements have been satisfied.
Rising 9th Grader Re-Registration Info is available at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/zu9s4jnc
Download: Directions for Completing the Re-registration in Infinite Campus:
Private and Non-Feeder MS Students Enrolling at North Atlanta for 2022-23 School Year
Visit NAHS Registrar's webpage for required documents and contact information
Complete APS Online Registration Application for the 2022-23 school year
Attend a NAHS Pre-Registration Course Selection Session (March 9, March 23 and April 27)
Pre-Registration Session Info Flyer: CLICK HERE
RSVP for Pre-Registration Session: CLICK HERE
Students/Parents who do not attend one of these sessions will not select classes until August
Enrolling at North Atlanta for 2022-23
Rising 9th Graders Currently Attending Private & Non-Feeder Middles Schools
APS Registration for the 2022-23 School Year:
Rising 9th grade students who are not currently attending Sutton MS will be required to go through the new student enrollment process with the NAHS registrar’s office. The APS registration portal for the 2022-23 school year is now for new students transferring to North Atlanta for the upcoming school year.
Parents will submit all required documents by uploading them via the portal. A list of required documents are posted on our registrar’s webpage: https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Domain/3393
For assistance or additional information regarding the enrollment process please contact the NAHS registrar’s office staff (Email: taisha.ramirez@apsk12.org or Chandler.Bolte@apsk12.org; Phone 404-802-4723)
This spring there will be three Pre-Registration Course Selection Sessions for rising 9th graders coming from private or non-feeder middle schools. These sessions will cover 9th grade course offerings, academic placement guidelines and provide an opportunity for students/parent to pre-select courses and electives for the 2022-23 school year.
The Pre-Registration Session dates are March 9, March 23 and April 27 at 4pm at North Atlanta. The sessions will be in person and take place in the NAHS Media Center on the 2nd floor.
Please use the following link to RSVP for one of these sessions: https://forms.gle/NWn7UvYJFDCXaqzU9
Download: Pre-Registration Session for Transfer Rising 9th Graders Info Flyer
-Both Students and parents should plan on attending.
-A copy of student's 8th grade report card, schedule and standardized test scores from middle school will be needed to determine academic placement.
-Additional session information will be sent to families who have RSVP’d prior to their session.
Students/Parents who do not attend one of these sessions will not select classes until August.
Please note that these pre-registration sessions are separate from and do not include the enrollment process that needs to take place with the registrar’s office. Students will not be registered in any North Atlanta courses until the enrollment process has been completed with the NAHS registrar over the summer. This will help to prevent students/parents from having to wait until August to select classes and make for a smoother and seamless start to the new school year.
Once the enrollment process is complete, the classes pre-selected in March can be entered to create the student’s schedule. We will do our best to accommodate all pre-selected course requested, however availability of pre-selected classes are not guaranteed.
Course Selection Process & Timeline
Important Announcements for Class of 2026 Rising 9th Grade Students & Parents!
(Info Posted March 17, 2022)
Review Course Requests in Infinite Campus
Students and parents are now able to preview the 9th grade year course requests that have been entered into Infinite Campus under the Academic Plan tab.
Download: Instructions to View Course Requests in Infinite Campus
• If the courses in Infinite Campus are correct and no changes are needed; no further action is required.
• If a course request change is needed, students/parents should follow the instructions provided below.
• Changes will only be accepted during the Add/Drop Course Request Change period. If no change requests are submitted, no changes will be made.
Requesting Class Changes for 2022-23:
The Course Request Change period for Rising 9th graders will remain open until Friday, March 25th. All Course Request Changes must be submitted thru the Google Add/Drop form.
Rising 9th Grade Course Request Change Add/Drop Link: https://forms.gle/MU5jhCJS9wJF6qQ88
After the March 25th deadline, and all course requests will be locked for the 2022-23 school year. No class changes can be made in August.
All Honors/AP placements are tentative until Milestone scores are released in May. Students’ scores will be verified to ensure they have met both the class grade and test score requirements. If a student does not meet all the course placement requirements at that time, the class will be changed to the appropriate placement. Fast Track Math eligibility will also be determined at this time.
The only class changes that will be made after March 25th will be due to Milestone scores and/or spring report card grades which result in a change in academic placement based on the NAHS academic placement guidelines.
There will be no schedule changes in August.
Additional Student and Parent Q&A Sessions w/Marino
Ms Marino will be at Sutton March 22, March 24 and March 25 to check in with students and answer questions about 9th grade classes & schedules.
Ms Marino will be holding another series of Q&A Zoom sessions for rising 9th grade parents. These sessions are to provide parents opportunities to ask questions regarding their student's 9th grade course placement, selection and the Course Request Change Add/Drop form & process. Ms Marino will not be able to accommodate requests for individual parent meetings.
Wednesday March 23 (9-10am)
Thursday March 24 (3-4pm)
Friday, March 25 (9-10am)
Zoom Link: https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/89592932178?pwd=WHlCdDZTVUR5Z2ZCUG9CTXB2elcwdz09
Meeting ID: 895 9293 2178
Passcode: 813346
Course Selection Process for Sutton MS 8th Grade Students ​
Students will be introduced to all Pathway and Elective options through “Going North” Zoom session (Feb 11)
Click here to Watch: Going North Zoom Record​ing
Ms Marino will conduct academic advisement lessons with 8th grade classes at Sutton (Feb 14-Mar 4)
Students will be assisted in filling out a 9th Grade Schedule Request Form selecting classes
Students will select Pathway and Elective classes along with 3 alternative pathway/elective options in case there is an unresolvable scheduling conflict
Students will have a preliminary list of requested courses equaling 8.0 total credits
All course request forms will be collected by Ms Marino once completed. Students will receive a hard copy of their course request form and a copy of the 9th grade Academic Course Placement Guidelines to take home to share with parents. Copies were sent home with students on Friday March 4th along with a parent letter explaining the course request change process.​
All Honors and AP Level classes have a minimum grade and test score pre-requisite. Grades from Fall Semester Report Cards were used to verify if a student meets the minimum grade requirement needed to take the class. An Academic Placement Quick Guide for all 9th grade class pre-requisites is available on the NAHS Counseling Website.
If a student requested an Honors/AP class and his/her fall report card meets the grade requirement, they have been tentatively scheduled for that class.
If a student requested an Honors/AP class and they do not meet the grade requirement, it has been notated on their form as “DNM” (Does Not Meet) and he/she have been scheduled for the appropriate level class.
If a student does meet the grade requirement, but DID NOT request Honors/AP and they, it has been notated on their form as “Meets.” These students are strongly encouraged to take higher-level classes, but will not be tentatively scheduled for the Honors/AP class unless they submit a course request change between March 9-15
All Honors/AP placements are tentative until Milestone scores are released in May. Students’ scores will be verified to ensure they have met both the class grade and test score requirements. If a student does not meet all the course placement requirements at that time, the class will be changed to the appropriate placement.​
Students whose EOG Milestone scores require they take Reading/Writing and/or Algebra 1 Support will be automatically added to schedules when test scores have been received. These classes are required and will replace the elective(s) selected by the student.
Schedule change requests sent via email will not be processed
Please do not submit the same change request multiple times on the Add/Drop Form
No changes will be accepted after March 25
Students/Parents will not receive a status update notification to course request change submissions
Students/Parents can view the changes and final course final course entries in Infinite Campus Parent Portal after Spring Break.
No schedule changes will be made in August
The only schedule changes that will be made in the fall will be due to EOG scores or failure of a class
Scheduling of Fast-Track Math
At this time, no students have been registered for Fast Track math classes. Students were asked to circle Fast Track Math on his/her form only to indicate they are interested in the fast-track option if they meet the qualifications. Dr Mitchell will review and approve all Fast Track Math candidates in May, once Math Milestone and Algebra 1 End of Course Test results have been received. Only Dr Mitchell can approve and schedule students for Fast Track Math.
Course Request & Scheduling Guidelines
Students must have a total of 8 classes per semester (total of 8.0 credits)
If students do not select enough course requests to fill a complete schedule, classes will be assigned randomly to fill gaps in the schedule
All 1 semester classes must match up with another 1 semester class in the schedule
Students are expected to complete the courses in which they enroll
Yearlong classes cannot be dropped mid-year after fall semester
Students cannot request the term in which term they will have certain class
Students cannot request to have a particular lunch period
WE CANNOT GUARANTEE a student’s top elective choice(s) will be granted, but we will do our best!
Course requests ARE NOT a schedule. Classes listed on course requests in Infinite Campus are not guaranteed to make it onto a student’s final schedule in August.
NAHS Freshman Parent Resources
How to Get Connected & Stay Informed as a North Atlanta Freshman Parent
Join, Download or Bookmark the following resources to ensure you are staying connected to all NAHS announcements and Information.
North Atlanta School App: https://www.northatlantahigh.org/download-the-north-atlanta-app/ :
Warrior Weekly (Email Newsletter): https://tinyurl.com/yc584y2k
North Atlanta PTSA Website: https://www.northatlantahigh.org/:
NAHS Website: https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/northatlanta :
North Atlanta Athletics: https://www.nahswarriors.org/
NAHS Student Clubs/Organizations: https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Domain/3461
NAHS Who's Who Information for 9th Grade Parents:
Download Contact List: 9th Grade Points of Contact List 2026
NAHS 9th Grade Remind for Class of 2026
All NAHS Freshmen students and parents are required to join Ms Marino's Remind. This will ensure you stay informed and up to speed with important announcements, deadlines and opportunities from the NAHS counseling program.
Click the below to sign up today:
Class of 2026 Student Remind Link: https://www.remind.com/join/nahs2026
Class of 2026 Parent Remind Link: https://www.remind.com/join/na26parent
Rising Warrior Summer Warm-Up

Summer AVA Online Classes
Rising 9th Grade students may opt to take Health and/or Personal Fitness online this summer thru Atlanta Virtual Academy (AVA) to make room for an additional elective class in their freshman year schedule.
Students who requested and intend on being eligible for both Fast Track Math and AP Human Geography would need to pursue this option to fit both classes next year. Fast Track Math eligibility will not be determined until after GA Milestone Math test scores have been received (expected to be in late May).
All rising 9th graders currently attending an APS middle school will complete their summer AVA registration with their current middle school 8th grade counselor.
Students not currently enrolled in an APS school are not eligible to take AVA classes this summer.
Summer 2022 AVA Class Registration:
Complete the AVA Middle School Student Registration Form
LINK: https://bit.ly/AVAPTMS
When completing the Registration Form...
• Be sure to select the middle school you currently attend and 8th as your current grade
• If you are only signing up for 1 class this summer, Health is recommended
• Your current 8th Grade counselor will complete your summer AVA class registration and provide you with information on how to log in and access your online class.
• Contact your current 8th grade counselor for additional questions or assistance
The deadline to submit a summer online class request is June 1
NAHS Rising 9th Grader Summer Bridge 2022
Get a jump on starting high school with North Atlanta’s Summer Bridge program on Friday, July 22 (9am-3pm).
Join us and your fellow Class of 2026 classmates to engage in fun and interactive learning activities that will have you ready to start strong on day 1 of your freshman year.
BONUS: Students who attend will receive a copy of their 9th grade class schedule that day too!
Registration closes on May 20th and seats are limited so be sure to get signed up today!
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/NAHSSummerBridge2022
9th Grade Required Summer Reading Assignment
ALL NAHS FRESHMEN have required summer reading assignments that are due at the start of the school year. The assignments are part of the 9th Grade Literature Class curriculum and will be the first graded work students will have in their 9th grade year.
Having these required assignments completed and ready to turn in at the beginning of the new school year is key to a strong start to high school and successful freshman year.
Download the 9th Grade Summer Reading Assignment here...
Celebration of Learning Open House: Week of July 25
Event for Students/Parents to come to campus pick up schedules, get locker assignments, bus schedule info, etc.
Meet Teachers, Locate Classrooms and Re-tour the school
Sign up for student clubs & organizations at the Extra-Curricular Fair
Specific time will be designated for 9th graders
Specific Date & Time TBD
NAHS 9th Grade Remind for Class of 2026
All NAHS Freshmen students and parents are required to join Ms Marino's Remind.
This will ensure you stay informed and up to speed with important announcements, deadlines and opportunities from the NAHS counseling program.
Click the below to sign up today:
Student Link: https://www.remind.com/join/nahs2026
Parent Link: https://www.remind.com/join/na26parent
9th Grade Student and Parent Resources:
Infinite Campus Parent Portal Set Up Info: Click Here
North Atlanta School App Sign Up: Click Here
Warrior Weekly Sign Up (Parent Email Newsletter): Click Here
NAHS 9th Grade Staff Who's Who Points of Contact: Click Here
2022 Warrior Warm-Up Freshman Quick Guide: Click Here
Rising 9th Grade Parent Zoom Q&A
Pop-In Sessions
Ms Marino will be holding a series of Q&A Zoom sessions for rising 9th grade parents. These sessions are intended to provide parents opportunities to ask questions regarding their student's 9th grade course placement & selection.
If you have any questions about academic class placement, course selection process & timeline and/or general high school schedule questions, please join one of these upcoming sessions. Ms Marino will not be able to accommodate requests for individual parent meetings.
Dates, times and Zoom link details are available at the links below:
Class of 2026/Rising 9th Grade Parent Night
On Thursday, January 27 NAHS held our Rising 9th Grade Parent Night for all 2022-23 prospective 9th grade students.
Topics that were covered included:
9th Grade Curriculum Overview
Academic Course Placement Guidelines
Registration Timeline for 2022-23
Course Selection Process & Timeline for 22-23 School Year
If you were unable to attend this Zoom event, a link to a recording of the presentation is available below: