NAHS Class of 2024 Announcements
Become a BridgeUP STEM Scholar
Are you interested in computer science but not sure what it’s all about?
Develop computing skills, build confidence, and learn about college and career opportunities in computing through a year-long program at Georgia Tech. Open to high school students currently in grades 9 through 11 who identify as girls or non-binary.
Click on the program flyer below to find out more and how to apply!
Application Deadline: Sunday, April 16, 2023
Click Here: BridgeUP STEM Program Flyer
Don't miss the upcoming Junior College Day for NAHS Students and Parents!
The event is scheduled for Saturday, February 11 from 9am to 12pm.
See details below or click here to download the flyer: NAHS Junior College Day Flyer

PSAT Interpretation Night: January 24
North Atlanta High School will host a PSAT Interpretation Night on Tuesday, January 24 at 6:00pm via zoom. Please refer to the attached flyers for more details.
**It is recommended that students/parents have access to their October 2023 test scores to follow along with the presentation**
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 889 7732 1238
Passcode: 341148
Applerouth Practice Tests at NAHS
In partnership with Applerouth Tutoring, North Atlanta hosts a series of SAT & ACT practice tests throughout the school year. There are 3-4 practice test opportunities each semester and are scheduled on Saturdays from 9am-1pm on the North Atlanta HS campus.
ACT and SAT Practice Tests:
Want to test drive the ACT or SAT without the pressure of an official score? Applerouth's full-length practice exams provides a testing experience under test like conditions. Afterwards, you will receive a comprehensive score report that identifies strengths and targets areas for improvement, so you'll know exactly where to focus your prep before your official test day.
The SAT/ACT Combo Test:
Should you take the ACT or SAT? 1/3 of students end up taking the exam they are not best suited for. This practice test includes questions from both the ACT and SAT. Students receive feedback that compares their performance on each section of the two exams This is a perfect opportunity to experience both tests, discover which test is the best fit for you, and target areas for improvement to help boost your score.
​Click below for upcoming practice test dates and registration information:
Dual Enrollment Program Info Session: Dec 1st
Attention Rising Juniors and Seniors…NAHS will be hosting a Dual Enrollment Program information session Thursday, Dec 1 at 6:00PM on Zoom.
Join us to learn about the NAHS Dual Enrollment Program and see if dual enrollment may be a good fit for you and your post-secondary goals. This session will include detailed information about program eligibility, approved colleges' admission requirements, the application process and deadlines.
Download: DE Info Night Flyer
Download: DE Info Night Flyer (Spanish)
Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/NAHSDE23-24
Meeting ID: 869 8257 9665
Passcode: 813346
A Spanish interpreter will be available
Course Selection & Registration for the 2022-23 School Year
Students are in the process of making their 11th grade course selections. For course registration guidelines, timelines and how to request a change to your course requests for next year click below.
Course Selection Forms for SY 22-23: January 26th - March 4
To access form, use your APS login credentials...
Option 1: IB Diploma Program https://forms.gle/yx23rScVchhQtEsd8
Option 2: IB Career-related Program https://forms.gle/BgkaqorbdevwNiAe6
Option 3: Dual Enrollment https://forms.gle/wcfgpPwK4jGjtYrg9
Option 4: Other Academic Programs: ACCA, IB Course Selection, Pathways/WBL, etc. https://forms.gle/jcBSMbpYhmPa6LM88
IB MYP Personal Project is DUE on Feb 15, 2022
Please adhere to the following:
1. Your report can be written (no recordings) or multimedia (written & recordings)
2. If you only have a written report, write between 6-15 pages.
3. If you have a multimedia report, write between 6-15 pages and no more than 9 minutes of recording.
4. All reports are due by 2/15 11:59pm. Late reports are ineligible for DP/CP courses.
5. You must have a report and evidence of your product.
6. Evidence of the product can be uploaded to ManageBac or in your report.
7. Upload directions will be in the February 8 advisement presentation.
8. You must have all 3 conferences completed and recorded under the meeting with a Supervisor tab in ManageBac.
If you have any questions, please ask your advisor or email Dr. Showers, IB MYP Coordinator, nikia.showers@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Fall 2021 PSAT Score Results:
Sophomores, your PSAT Test results will be available starting Monday, December 6, 2021.
If you provided your email address on the test, you will receive an access code over the weekend on how to access your scores via your Collegeboard account: https://studentscores.collegeboard.org/home
If you do not receive an access code by Wednesday, December 8, send me a message on REMIND.
Go to Ms. Boykin's GC (jpjhgwi) to access more information on the PSAT/NMSQT and understanding your scores: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTQ3OTk2ODE0NjMw/m/NDM5MDY1NTI0OTg0/details