NAHS Future Freshman Class of 2029: Rising 9th Grader Information
Rising 9th Grader Events & Important Dates
Click below to download printable versions of the following information for 25-26:
Sample Rising 9th Grader Course Request Form (Coming Soon)
En Espanol:
Rising 9th Grade Pathway & Elective Course Descriptions (Coming Soon)
Sample Rising 9th Grader Course Request Form (Coming Soon)​
FEB 6: Rising 9th Grade Parent Curriculum Night
Where/When: North Atlanta High School Auditorium at 6 p.m.
NAHS Overview, Academic Placement Guidelines, Course Offerings & Selection Process & More!
Open to all prospective rising 9th grade families, including those currently attending private or non-feeder middle schools.
FEB 10-12: Academic Review and Course Placement for Rising 9th Grade (2029)
Review Semester 1 Final Grades & Fall Semester MAP Scores
NAHS Counselors fill out Course Request Forms with student course placements for 2025-26
Students will be placed in the highest level course for which they qualify in each subject area
FEB 14: Rising 9th Grade Pathway Preview Elective Fair
Where/When: Sutton Middle School (9-11am)
Presented by NAHS Counselors, Fine Arts, and Career Tech Program Teachers
8th graders explore pathway program offerings and learn about the elective class options they can choose from for their freshman year schedule
FEB 24-28: Rising 9th Grade Classroom Lessons: Academic Review & 10th Grade Course Selection
Where/When: 8th Grade Science Classes
Students will review academic course placement for 9th Grade & select electives on Course Request Form
Students will get a hard copy of their completed Course Request form which includes Add/Drop info
MAR 10-18: Course Request Review in Infinite Campus
Students/Parent review and discuss course requests entered in the IC Academic Planner
Discuss course selections, check for errors, and decide on any class change requests needed for Add/Drop Period
MAR 13: Rising 9th Grade Parent Academic Advisement Q&A
Where/When: Zoom (10am and 3pm)
Parents can attend Zoom sessions to ask questions about students’ schedules including academic placement, selected classes, registration timeline & process
Zoom Link: (Meeting ID: 813 0502 6146 Passcode: 813346)
MAR 19-21: Add/Drop Period (Schedule Change Requests for 2025-26 School Year)
Student/Parent final opportunity to request class changes to freshman year course requests. There will be NO schedule changes in August.
The Google Form Link/QR code was provided on the hard copy of students’ Course Request form they received. The link will also be posted on this page and on Remind when available.
MAR 26: Review 2024-25 School Year Final List of Requested Courses
Where: Infinite Campus
Students/Parents can review requested changes and final list of courses they will be scheduled for next year
APR 19: Rising 9th Grade Non-Feeder/Private School Pre-Registration Session
Where/When: Media Center (2 Sessions: 9am and 11am)
NAHS Counselors Ms Williams & Ms Marino
Opportunity for prospective rising 9th grade students and parents not currently attending Sutton MS to tentatively select courses for the 25-26 school year.
Students will still need to go through the enrollment process with the Registrar’s office this summer. Courses selected are not guaranteed.
Event is only open to families of students currently attending private or non-feeder middle schools.
MAY TBD: Class of 2029 Warrior Warm-Up
North Atlanta HS (12:30pm – 3:30pm)
Sutton 8th graders visit the NAHS to take campus tours, attend extra-curricular fair, learn about community service and more!
Event is open to current 8th grade Sutton MS students only.
9th Grade Year Course Offerings & Placement Guidelines
9th Grade Students will have a total of 8 classes each semester
4 Classes will be on A Days and the other 4 will be on B Days
A Days and B Days alternate throughout the whole school year
​Most classes will be yearlong (both fall and spring semesters)​
Some classes will be 1 semester long classes (Aug-Dec or Jan-May)
Some classes are required while for others students/parent will can make a selection from a menu of classes
Standard 9th Grade Student Schedule

World Language Course Options:
Spanish for Native Speakers
CTAE Pathway Course Options:
Audio/Visual Tech & Film
Graphic Design
Hospitality, Recreation & Tourism
Fine Arts Pathway Course Options*
*Performing Arts classes have required performances and activities beyond the regular school day
Academic Electives:
Algebra 1 Support (Class is paired with Algebra class so that students will have Math every day; counts for elective course credit)
Reading/Writing Skills 1 (Class provides Language Arts academic support; counts for elective course credit)
AP Human Geography (AP Classes are equivalent to college level course; Class is extremely rigorous with a very heavy workload; Pre-Requisites must be met to qualify to take this course)
Academic Course Placement
Student placement in core academic subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language) will be determined using students' grades and standardized test scores from their 8th grade year.
Grades and MAP Assessment scores from Fall semester will be used to determined placement during the February-March registration period.
Course placements are subject to change once spring final grades and Milestone test scores are finalized and released.
All 9th grade academic placement guidelines can be reviewed and downloaded here:

Rising 9th Grade Parent Night
North Atlanta High School is hosting its Rising 9th Grade Parent Night on Thursday, February 6th, at 6 p.m. in their school auditorium. Counselors and Administrators will give an overview of important topics regarding your child's transition to high school that you don’t want to miss. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this highly informational session.
*This event is open to all prospective rising 9th grade students and families, including those currently attending Private and Non-feeder schools
Presentation slides and our resources shared that evening will be posted here after the event.
Private and Non-Feeder Middle School Students/Families
Rising 9th grade students who are not currently attending Sutton MS will be required to complete the APS new student enrollment process with the NAHS registrar’s office.
North Atlanta is offering two Pre-Registration Course Selection Sessions for prospective rising 9th Grade transfer students only. In these sessions, NAHS 9th Grade counselors, Shellie Marino & Dionne WIlliams, will provide an overview of 9th grade course offerings, academic placement guidelines and work with students/parent to pre-select courses for the 2025-26 school year. At the conclusion of the session, families will have the opportunity to receive a guided campus tour.
Pre-Registration sessions for the future Class of 2029 students
will take place at NAHS on Saturday, April 19
Session 1: 9am Session 2: 11am
Benefits to Attending and Pre-Registering for Classes this Spring:
Do not have to wait until late July/August to select classes
Due to the high volume of transfer students, waiting until July/August could result in a delay in having a schedule ready for the 1st day of school.
May help to increase a student’s chances of getting into their preferred classes
Students who are taking classes with summer reading assignments will have more time to complete that
classwork so that it is ready to turn in at the start of school
Helps make for a smoother and seamless beginning to the new school year.
RSVP for your spring session using the link or QR code provided here.
Both student and parent(s) should plan on attending.
Recommend bringing a copy of your student's 8th grade report card, class schedule & available middle school standardized test scores to assist in determining academic placement.
Use the following link or QR code to RSVP for a Rising 9th Grade Non-Feeder/Private School Student Pre-Registration Session:
Please note that these pre-registration sessions are separate from and do not include the enrollment process that needs to take place with the registrar’s office. Students will not be officially scheduled for any North Atlanta courses until the enrollment process has been completed with the NAHS registrar.
*Download Event Flyer in Spanish*​​​​​